Selamat Datang

Poli Klinik OBGYN RS Jayakarta

Temukan layanan kesehatan terbaik untuk ibu.

Jadwal praktek
Senin, Rabu, Jumat 

Jam 08.00 sd 11.00

dr. Sri Pamungkas, SpOG

Jadwal praktek

Selasa, Kamis, Sabtu 
Jam 09.00 sd 12.00

dr. Yohanes Alda, SpOG 

Jadwal praktek
Senin, Rabu, Jumat
Jam 08.00 sd 11.00

dr. Iqra Anugerah, SpOG

.Jadwal praktek
Senin, Rabu, Jumat
Jam 08.00 sd 11.00

dr. Wael Oemar Al Jaidy, SpOG

Jadwal praktek

Senin, Rabu, Jumat 
Jam 08.00 sd 11.00

dr. Agatha Pradhana, SpOG, MSi

Welcome to RS Jayakarta

Your premier destination for obstetrics and gynecology care in Jakarta. Experience top-notch services with our expert specialists.

Comfortable Environment

A warm and welcoming space for all patients.

Friendly Staff

Our team is here to assist you with a smile.


Your comfort and health are our top priorities.

Cutting-Edge Equipment

We use the latest technology for accurate diagnoses.

Klinik Modern


Layanan Terbaik


Kesehatan Ibu

Klinik Obstetri dan Ginekologi Terpercaya


September 20, 2024

Dapatkan informasi terbaru tentang kesehatan ibu dan anak. Kunjungi web kami untuk tips dan berita terkini!

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Dapatkan layanan kesehatan terbaik untuk ibu dan anak. Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut!

Contact Us

Visit us at Jl. Raya Bekasi No.RT.7, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur.

Call us at 021-4608886 for inquiries or to schedule an appointment with our amazing team!

Find Us Here

Welcome to Jayakarta

Experience exceptional obstetric and gynecological care at our clinic.

Located in the heart of Jakarta, we are here for you!

4D Ultrasound

Experience your baby in stunning detail with our HD live technology.

Momi Talk

Get live recordings and photos directly on your smartphone.

Free Vitamins

Receive DHA vitamins for brain development at no extra cost.

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